U-Cut shafts can be shortened up to 6 inches and require a grip with an approximately 7/8” mounting hole.
- Medium grit sandpaper
- Waterproof/marine epoxy with thickener
- Latex or Nitrile gloves
- Measuring tape
- Fine cutting saw
- Epoxy mixing supplies
Cutting Directions:
- Determine your ideal paddle length (click here for Paddle Sizing Guidelines) and deduct your grip height. (Note: Do not include shaft insert length).
- Cut paddle to length determined above.
- Remove the rough edge of the cut by lightly sanding with sandpaper.
- Ensure the grip fits the shaft with a trial fit.
- For your safety, put on gloves before handling epoxy.
- Mix epoxy according to manufacturers instructions and thicken to the consistency of cake frosting.
- Trowel epoxy into the grip hole, ensure that it is applied on all sides.
- Put grip on the shaft, ensuring that the shaft is inserted completely.
- Double check the grip to blade orientation. A few select grips available are unidirectional. (ex: Curled Palm, curl faces forward. Thumb Notch, notch faces back. See diagrams.)
- Remove excess epoxy from around the shaft and grip connection.
- Allow epoxy to set undisturbed per manufacturers directions.

Please feel free to call Sawyer Paddles & Oars at 541-535-3606 or email us with any questions or concerns.